Jozef Karika is one of the most widely read Slovak prosaists and successful Central European authors. So far, he has published 21 books which, in addition to Slovak language, have also been published in Czech, Polish, English, Hungarian and Macedonian. Sales of his books are soon to reach half a million copies. Translations of his books have also become bestsellers in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary.
He is a prize winner of many Slovak awards such as ‘Platinová kniha’ (Platinum Book), ‘Zlatá kniha’ (Golden Book), two ‘Zlaté pero’ (Golden pen) – Literary Critics Awards, Anasoft Litera Readers’ Award, Literary Fund Awards and many others.
His novel Trhlina (The Rift) has become the most successful Slovak novel of last decades. The novels Na smrť (To the Death) and Čierny rok (The Black Year) are the largest Slovak belles-lettres works of the past half a century in terms of the scope and extent of the story arc, and they are among the three largest novels in Slovak literature. The six-part novel cycle Čierny kruh (The Black Ring) is the largest multi-generational saga written in Slovak.
The director Peter Bebjak produced the film Trhlina (The Rift) for which he won the award ‘Český lev’ (Czech Lion). The movie became one of the most commercially successful films in the history of Slovak filmmaking. It was also screened in the Czech Republic, Great Britain, and Italy, and was later included in the library of streaming service Netflix.

Published books and translations of Jozef Karika’s books (year 2020).
Jozef Karika entered the literary scene in 2001 as the main author of G. O. M. websites. He published the following books in the publishing house ‘Vodnář’ (Aquarius) in Prague: Slovanská magie (Slavic Magic, 2003), Zóny stínu (Zones of Shadow, 2005), Magie peněz (Magic of Money, 2008) and Brány meonu (Gates of Meon, 2009). In publishing house Ikar, he published the following books: Mágia peňazí (Magic of Money, 2007) and K.P.M.P.Z. (K.P.M.P.Z. – Beginner’s Course of Applied Magic, 2007). The British publishing house Immanion Press has published his book of experimental essays Liber 767 (2009), intended for the British and American markets.
He has also contributed to the American Konton Magazine, the British Chaos International Magazine and the German Instrumentum. Some of his texts have been selected and published in the book anthology The Best of Konton by the American company Konton Publishing and in anthologies Manifesting Prosperity and Magic on the Edge.
He also allotted some time to short prose – his short stories were published in the magazines RAK and ‘Fantázia’ (Fantasy). In 2008, he placed third in the competition ‘Cena Fantázie’ (The Fantasy Award) with his horror short story Dedičstvo zeme (Heritage of the Earth). In 2009, he won ‘Cena Béla’ (The Béla Award) for Best Horror Short Story and placed third in ‘Cena Fantázie’ (The Fantasy Award) with the short story Samota (Solitude).
In that period, he focused mainly on creating postmodernist text collages combining otherwise incompatible and incommensurable discourses and approaches. He would put together strict methodological procedures and knowledge from various scientific disciplines, along with a strong momentum of irrationality, dream dimensions of being and intuitionism. He would not avoid inspiration from more obscure sources, such as various olden spiritual traditions, or the work of authors such as Howard P. Lovecraft, Aleister Crowley, Carlos Castaneda, Kenneth Grant, William S. Burroughs, Terry Pratchett…
His philosophical genesis involved mainly the works of existentialists (Sartre, Camus, Heidegger), Nietzsche, and postmodernist philosophy (Foucault, Derrida). He himself was a proponent of the legacy of experimental thinkers such as Ramsey Dukes (Lionel Snell), Peter J. Carroll and Robert A. Wilson. In his experimentation with the meaning of text in postmodern society, he would use paradigm rotation techniques, various alter-egos, procedures of text liberation, temporary faith, mystification, and elements of the clipping method.
At the beginning of 2010, publishing house Ikar published a social crime novel V tieni mafie (In the Shadow of Mafia), describing the adolescence and disruption of the entire Karika’s generation. The novel was well received by readers and critics and achieved great success in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Other successful novels Čas dravcov (Time of Predators, 2011) and Nepriateľ štátu (Enemy of the State, 2011) were followed by an epic historical novel with elements of thriller and horror Na smrť (To the Death). Although it was published in two volumes (2012, 2013), it is the largest post-revolutionary novel in Slovakia with the length of almost 750 pages and a narrative storyline. The story takes place between the 20’s and 40’s in Slovakia but also in Germany, America, Ukraine and the territory of today’s Poland. Karika connected the world of the American mafia with the horrors of Nazism while providing a factually accurate approach to the war of mob families in America and the rise of Nazism in Germany, Long Knives Night, Crystal Night, Nazi euthanasia programs, extermination operations in the Eastern Front and the Holocaust mainly focusing on the tragic destiny of Jews deported from Slovakia. The story culminates during the Slovak National Uprising. The novel was later published by Argo in a single volume in the Czech Republic and was ranked among the largest and best-rated bestsellers.
In 2014, the novel Strach (Fear), labelled as a horror or a mystery thriller, was published. There the author returned to his own childhood and to the neighbourhood where he grew up. The novel was later published in the Czech Republic, Macedonia, and Poland, where it was selected the best horror story of 2017.
In 2015, Karika published a mystery thriller Tma (Darkness), as well as the first part of the monumental trilogy Čierny kruh (The Black Circle), called Čierna hra (The Black Game). Tma (Darkness) later became a bestseller in Poland and the Czech Republic, where it was also adapted and broadcasted by ‘Český rozhlas’ (Czech Radio). Čierna hra (The Black Game) won the Golden Pen literary critic’s award and was published as Czech edition.
The mystery novel Trhlina (The Rift, 2016), about the disappearance of people in the Tribeč mountains, has met with great response. It became the most successful Slovak novel in recent decades, exceeded literary boundaries and turned into a pop culture phenomenon. He unleashed an unprecedented wave of reading reactions and tourism in Tribeč. To date, more than a hundred thousand copies have been sold. At the same time, he was finally nominated for the most prestigious Slovak literary award – Anasoft litera and won the Anasoft litera Readers’ Award. He also achieved a bestseller’s status in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland where he stayed in the top 30 of the Polish mega-seller Woblink for six weeks and later as the ‘best horror in recent years’ among the TOP 10 bestsellers of 2019. He also placed third in the largest Polish poll of the portal Lubimyczytac, Book of the Year 2018, in the category horror. Trhlina thereby became the first Slovak Central European bestseller. It was edited and broadcasted by ‘Český rozhlas’ (Czech Radio). In Slovakia, it stayed in the TOP 100 of the largest online bookseller Martinus for more than a thousand days which is the longest of all Slovak and foreign novels. The thriller Trhlina was also turned into a motion picture by the director Peter Bebjak. You can find out more about the movie Trhlina in the MOVIE/RADIO section.
In 2017, Karika published the social crime novel Čierny rok (The Black Year). It is the largest Slovak novel of the last half a century and probably the third largest novel in Slovak literature.
The philosophical-mystery novel Priepasť (The Chasm) from 2018 also received considerable acclaim. Among other things, it achieved the highest pre-sale of a Slovak book in the history of the largest online bookseller Martinus and placed in the top three best-selling books of the year. It also won the Golden Pen award from literary critics and the Platinum Book for sales. It was later published in the Czech Republic where it became a bestseller.
In 2019, the final part of Čierny kruh (The Black Circle) trilogy was published. Together with the trilogy V tieni mafie (In the Shadow of Mafia), it forms the largest multi-generational saga in Slovak literature. Through the dramatic fates of characters of four generations and more than ten intertwining storylines, this 2.300-page epopee captures thirty years of state and social development in Slovakia and turning points in history: The revolution and fall of totalitarianism; The disintegration of Czechoslovakia; The rise of Slovakia and its gradual disruption by mafia or oligarchic groups. The story takes place in the entire territory of Slovakia, but also in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Hungary, and the Balkans. This monumental novel cycle consists of six novels and is designed to be read in three different sequences. Each time it provides a slightly different meaning and experience. In his writing, Karika was mainly inspired by the great trilogies of Slovak writers Milo Urban and Vladimír Mináč.
At the end of these two decades, he summarized his creative intentions and approach to writing in his literary essay O písaní – po dvadsiatich rokoch (About Writing – After Twenty Years).
6 x Platinum Book award (for the novels Trhlina (The Rift); V tieni mafie (In the Shadow of Mafia); Priepasť (The Chasm); Strach (Fear); Tma (Darkness); V tieni mafie 2 – Čas dravcov (In the Shadow of Mafia 2 – Time of Predators)).
10 x Platinum Book award (for the novels V tieni mafie 2 – Čas dravcov (In the Shadow of Mafia 2 – Time of Predators); Nepriateľ štátu (Enemy of the State); Tma (Darkness); Strach (Fear); Na smrť I (To the Death I); Čierna hra (The Black Game); Čierny rok (The Black Year); V tieni mafie (In the Shadow of Mafia), Smršť (The Storm), Na smrť II (To the Death II)).
2 x Literary critics award Golden Pen (for the novels Priepasť (The Chasm); Čierna hra (The Black Game)).
A nomination for the prestigious Crystal Wing award in the Journalism and Literature category (2020).
Third place for the novel Trhlina (The Rift) in the largest Polish poll of the portal ‘’ Book of the Year 2018, in the Horror category.
Anasoft litera Readers’ Award for the novel Trhlina (The Rift, 2017).
Final nomination for the novel Trhlina (The Rift) for the Anasoft litera award – the most prestigious literary award in Slovakia (2017).
Town of Ružomberok Award (2016).
First place among the TOP 5 Slovak authors in the largest book survey in Slovakia – Martinus, Book of the Year 2014.
Béla Award for the short story Samota (Solitude, 2009).
Third place in the Literary Prize for the short story Samota (Solitude, 2009).
First place in the journalism category at the international competition film festival KAFKA 2008 in the Czech Republic for the reportage Kontroverzná tabuľa (Controversial board).
Literary Fund Award for Journalism (2008).
First place in the category of journalism at the nationwide competition of local televisions’ production Workshop 2008 for the report Kontroverzná tabuľa (Controversial board).
Audience award in the category of journalism at the nationwide competition of the local televisions’ production Workshop 2008.
Third place in the Literary Prize for the short story Dedičstvo zeme (Heritage of the Earth, 2008).
Slovanská magie, Vodnář 2003.
(Slavic Magic, Vodnář 2003).
Zóny stínu, Vodnář 2005.
(Zones of Shadow, Vodnář 2005).
Mágia peňazí, Ikar 2007.
(Magic of Money, Ikar 2007).
K.P.M.P.Z., Ikar 2007.
(K.P.M.P.Z. (K.P.M.P.Z. – Beginner’s Course of Applied Magic), Ikar 2007).
Brány meonu, Vodnář 2009.
(Gates of Meon, Vodnář 2009).
Liber 767 vel Boeingus: Rough Experiments with Chaos magic, Immanion Press 2009.
(Liber 767 vel Boeingus: Rough Experiments with Chaos magic, Immanion Press 2009).
V tieni mafie, Ikar 2010.
(In the Shadow of Mafia, Ikar 2010).
V tieni mafie II: Čas dravcov, Ikar 2011.
(In the Shadow of Mafia 2 – Time of Predators, Ikar 2011).
Nepriateľ štátu, Ikar 2011.
(Enemy of the State, Ikar 2011).
Na smrť, Ikar 2012.
(To the Death, Ikar 2012).
Na smrť II: Bez milosti, Ikar 2013.
(To the Death: No mercy, Ikar 2013).
Strach, Ikar 2014.
(Fear, Ikar 2014).
Tma, Ikar 2015.
(Darkness, Ikar 2015).
Čierna hra: Vláda mafie, Ikar 2015.
(The Black Game: Reign of Mafia, Ikar 2015).
Trhlina, Ikar 2016.
(The Rift, Ikar 2016).
Čierny rok: Vojna mafie, Ikar 2017.
(The Black Year: Mafia’s War, Ikar 2017).
Priepasť, Ikar 2018.
(The Chasm, Ikar 2018).
Čierny kruh: Koniec mafie, Ikar 2019.
(The Black Ring: End of Mafia, Ikar 2019).
Smršť, Ikar 2020.
(The Storm, Ikar 2020).
Hlad, Ikar 2021.
(Hunger, Ikar 2021).
Smäd, Ikar 2021.
(Thirst, Ikar 2021).
Slovanská magie, 2003
(Slavic Magic, 2003)
Zóny stínu, 2005
(Zones of Shadow, 2005)
Mágia peňazí, 2007
(Magic of Money, 2007)
KPMPZ, 2007
(K.P.M.P.Z. (K.P.M.P.Z. – Beginner’s Course of Applied Magic), 2007)
Brány meonu, 2009
(Gates of Meon, 2009)
Liber 767, 2009
(Liber 767, 2009)
V tieni mafie, 2010
(In the Shadow of Mafia, 2010)
V tieni mafie II: Čas dravcov, 2011
(In the Shadow of Mafia 2 – Time of Predators, 2011)
Nepriateľ štátu, 2011
(Enemy of the State, 2011)
Čierna hra: Vláda mafie, 2015
(The Black Game: Reign of Mafia, 2015)
Čierny rok: Vojna mafie, 2017
(The Black Year: Mafia’s War, 2017)
Čierny kruh: Koniec mafie, 2019
(The Black Ring: End of Mafia, 2019)
Na smrť, 2012
(To the Death, 2012)
Na smrť II: Bez milosti, 2013
(To the Death: No mercy, 2013)
Strach, 2014
(Fear, 2014)
Tma, 2015
(Darkness, 2015)
Trhlina, 2016
(The Rift, 2016)
Priepasť, 2018
(The Chasm, 2018)
Smršť, 2020
(The Storm, 2020)
Hlad, 2021
(Hunger, 2021)
Smäd, 2021
(Thirst, 2021)
Magie peněz, Vodnář, Česká republika 2008.
K.P.M.P.Z./CZ, Vodnář, Česká republika 2011.
Ve stínu mafie, Knižní klub, Česká republika 2011.
Černá hra, Argo, Česká republika 2016.
Strach, Argo, Česká republika 2016.
Trhlina, Argo, Česká republika 2016.
Strach, Stara Szkoła, Poľsko 2017.
Szczelina, Stara Szkoła, Poľsko 2018.
Страв, Antolog, Macedónsko 2019.
Ciemność, Stara Szkoła, Poľsko 2020.
Na smrt, Argo, Česká republika 2020.
Smršť, Argo, Česká republika 2021.
Wiatr, Stara Szkoła, Poľsko 2021.
Puknatina, Antolog, Macedónsko 2021.
A hasadék, Animus, Maďarsko 2021.
Propast, Argo, Česká republika 2021.
The Best of Konton, Konton Publishing 2006.
Magic on the Edge, Megalithica Books 2007.
Manifesting Prosperity, Megalithica Books 2008.
Cena Fantázie, Fantázia 2008.
(The Fantasy Award, Fantázia 2008.)
Cena Fantázie, Fantázia 2009.
(The Fantasy Award, Fantázia 2009.)
Farby strachu, Artis Omnis 2011.
(The Colours of Fear, Artis Omnis 2011.)
Může se to stát i vám, Netopejr 2018.
(It can happen to you too, Netopejr 2018.)
Čierna hra: Vláda mafie (The Black Game: Reign of Mafia), Ikar 2017.
Čierny rok: Vojna mafie (The Black Year: War of Mafia), Ikar 2018.
Trhlina (The Rift), Ikar 2018.
Trhlina (The Rift), Radioservis 2019.
Strach (Fear), Publixing 2019.
Tma (Darkness), Publixing 2019.
Čierny kruh: Koniec mafie (The Black Ring: End of Mafia), Publixing 2020.
V tieni mafie (In the Shadow of Mafia), Publixing 2020.
Smršť (The Storm), Publixing 2020.
Na smrť (To the Death), Publixing 2020.
Na smrť II: Bez milosti (To the Death: No Mercy), Publixing 2021.
V tieni mafie II: Čas dravcov (In the Shadow of Mafia 2 – Time of Predators), Publixing 2021.
Nepriateľ štátu (Enemy of the State), Publixing 2021.
Hlad (Hunger), Publixing 2021.
Smäd (Thirst), Publixing 2021.
Czech Radio dramatized and broadcast the novel Tma (Darkness).
The director Peter Bebjak adapted the pop culture phenomenon Trhlina (The Rift) to a feature film. The film adaptation of Trhlina recorded the most successful premiere weekend in the history of Slovak film. More than 83.000 paying spectators went to see the movie in cinemas. In total, almost 300.000 people came to see the film, making it one of the most successful Slovak films ever. It also successfully screened in the Czech Republic, Italy and the Great Britain. The television miniseries Trhlina became number one on the market and the most watched program at the time of broadcasting. At the end of 2019, the movie Trhlina, as one of the first Slovak films and adapted Slovak novels, appeared on Netflix, thus reaching a worldwide audience.
The director Daniel Rihák made a short film based on Karika’s short story Výlet (The Trip). The film was selected for screening at the International Film Festival.
Czech Radio dramatized and broadcasted the novel Trhlina (The Rift).
Slovak Radio dramatized and broadcasted the novel Čierna hra (The Black Game).
Slovak Radio dramatized and broadcasted the short story Samota (Solitude).